John WalshGrains

The soy continues under pressure. The 6th is the deadline for China and the US. This whole scenario has shifted some scenarios into play. First the markets in my opinion are over supplied. Given the weather, the global carry, prices were due this break. Trump will play hard ball if China does not give on the trade imbalance. I really …

AG TIME – Summer Market

John WalshGrains

The soy was down nominal again today. The bean exports are lagging. The Chinese are buying Brazilian. The real has moved into a position that makes it difficult to not sell into the export arena. All aspects are working against the beans at present. This trend should continue and can open the door for further declines. As I have stated, …


Alan PalmerCurrencies, Energy, General Commentary, Grains, Livestock

Let’s give Thanks, confidence in System? Change, FRB Yellens’ natives getting restless? Yield curve flattens. 2 year i rate closer to tens before yearend, .60-ish Is this this markets players ready to blow or maybe flip, long bonds like in Summer 2016 at highs?  My diary had a $40.5bil player flip long at those 2.08% all time lows in rates …