Soy & Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soy was led higher by the meal today. The Brazilian government has lifted import taxes on both corn and beans. The strong export pace has now worn down the domestic supplies. The internal prices are now increasing. The US meal has been the upside leader. The market flat price, as well as the spreads, has shown a large …

Soy & Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soy continues to be led by the meal. There are some considerations to take note of. The meal spreads have all inverted. This is an obvious indication of a friendly scenario. The bean carry on paper is friendly. The question going forward is how much of this is dialed into the current price. Also, will the Chinese actually …

Soy & Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The government will release an update tomorrow. The expectations are for confirmation of declines to the balance sheet. It is my concern that the market has adjusted for any numbers we may see tomorrow. The beans in my opinion have dialed in a large production decline. Perhaps a tighter carry than we could see tomorrow. This could prove significant. The point …

Soy Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soybeans were quiet while the products had a large correction. The USDA will release numbers this week indicating changes in the stocks (reductions). The average guess feels that will be the case in both beans and corn. The beans have put on a healthy rally due to Chinese purchases. The question now is whether the purchases will all …

Soy Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soy complex can be looked at in two separate ways in my humble opinion at present. First, flat price. The beans and meal remain near the recent highs. In reality at high levels relative to the stocks, as the way I see it.  This lofty price is due to the exceptional purchase pace with Chinese buying. The Brazilian is …

Soy and Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soy is under a bit of pressure. The meal has eased with weakness in beans. As mentioned last week the oil share has settled at approximately 32%. The weather has been positive for harvest. There is currently some small delays due to moisture. This however looks to be short lived. The question now will be if the yields are …

Soy and Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soybeans have set back approximately thirty cents from the high. In the process the meal market flat price has continued to rise. In addition the meal spreads have gained a considerable amount. They are now at a good inverse. The global meal supply has tightened due to Brazilian crush slowing, the Argentinian currency, and US down time. The …

Soy and Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: SOY: The beans continue to work higher based on the size of the crop. In addition the recent Chinese purchases. The meal market led today based on the fact that Brazil and Argentina will not be sellers of large amounts of meal in the near term. The Brazilian due to being essentially oversold. The Argentinian due to the currency …

Soy and Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: SOY: The beans and meal continued the rally today. There are a couple of reasons for this. The most important driving factor, in my opinion, is that the Chinese have been buyers almost every day. This is a very good thing. It must be considered, with the new export year starting Sept 1, the Chinese in some instances may …

Soy and Corn Market Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The soy today was led by the meal closing up 4.5 dollars per ton. This is supporting the crush margins at present. It is important to see where the overall soy numbers are going to fall. It is my thought that the domestic carry will be ample, and the global numbers will continue to expand. The near term fundamentals …