End of the Month Positioning

Steve BruceGrains

In my opinion it just feels like a short covering bounce in corn and beans after the August slide as the weather still appears to be conducive for allowing the crop to get larger………….Crop tours are still reporting that yield potential may exceed the estimates the USDA issued in August. First notice day on the September futures tomorrow………. Wheat is …

AG TIME – A Tale of Two Cities

John WalshGrains

The soy is experiencing a quiet day overall. The market is digesting the recent break and perhaps consolidating for a minute. The weather looks conducive to bringing home a very large soybean crop. The reality is that we have priced in a realistic price relative to the historic numbers. My contention is that the prices are supposed to move to …


John WalshGrains

The funds were buyers today on “turn around Tuesday.” The markets made an attempt to rebound after yesterday’s trouncing. A couple factors to watch. The dollar continues to exhibit strength. Considering the record tax intake to the Treasury, the economic outlook continues to impress. This should continue to fuel strength in the US dollar. This will impact the AG sector …

Ag Commentary

John WalshGrains

Soy Complex The soy complex exhibited further weakness today. The market continues to digest the USDA numbers which were decidedly bearish. Not only the potential planted acreage was larger than anticipated, but also the stock number was larger as well. This indicates a larger crop than last year. The trend continues of higher yields due to genetics. This trend remains …