John WalshGrains

The story remains the same. The meal is leading the soy complex while the large crush pace pressures the bean oil. The oilshare continues to decline at 27.2%. In addition, the meal relative to beans is approaching historic highs. The question is what price either shuts down demand, although not really the issue in my opinion. Or offers other price …


John WalshGrains

There is not much to comment on with respect to today’s activity. The feature remains meal strength relative to the complex. I would venture to say that without meal strength beans would be under pressure. The funds remain very long. The concerns over the rosario port will be yet another reason to push meal higher. The weather in the Delta …


John WalshGrains

SOY COMPLEX This may prove to be a big month for AG moves. Opportunity and Risk everywhere. The WASDE report this week will put the South American numbers in perspective. This is a key factor going forward. The market may well have dialed in a smaller ARG crop than we will see this week. If this is the case and …