Chart of the Day – Lean Hogs

Jeff FosseGeneral Commentary

The information and opinions expressed below are based on my analysis of price behavior and chart activity Tuesday, November 26, 2024 February Lean Hogs The last time I wrote about Lean Hogs was on Nov 14th, which was that big red down day about 9 bars ago on the chart.  At that time, the market had just broken through the …

Livestock Update

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Livestock

Commentary: LIVE CATTLE The cattle opened lower today. The close was locked limit. Look for follow through. The expanded limits after yesterdays close did not help. The talk of discount to cash means little to the market. It should be remembered that it has rarely of late. The weights remain high during a difficult time. The consumer is spent after restocking. …

Livestock Update

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Livestock

Commentary: LIVE The meat market has a lot to consider at present, as all markets do. The Covid has taken its toll on demand and is a consideration. The cattle weights remain high and this is an issue. The March demand story that had consumers buying to stock the freezer to get through a couple weeks has turned into a …

Grains, Hogs, Cattle, Soft technical update’s, Stocks

Alan PalmerGeneral Commentary

 Stars say-Mercury begins its retrograde motion Saturday evening encouraging us to review and rethink our plans.  Use this three-week period to assess what’s working and what’s not and adjust our game plan accordingly.  Be vigilant and aware that messages may be garbled and breakdowns could occur, so take extra care operating machinery and in all communications. ——————————————————– This was always …