Corn Forecast 2025

Steve DavisGeneral Commentary, Grains

Will demand push corn prices higher in 2025? At near $4.40, the 2025 price of corn futures appears to be near or below the cost of production. The National Corn Growers Association, using the USDA cost of production forecast for corn and the 181 bushel per acre yield projection, estimated the average cost of production at $4.80 per bushel for …

Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The corn could have a short term low in place. The Chinese are looking, strong sorghum sales are both helping. The worst case may be over for Ethanol. However, the rebound could be slow. The corn will also watch planting which is fine to date. It does seem probable that China will want to honor phase one commitments. The …

Grain Spreads

Sean LuskGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The demand destruction across various sectors is unfortunately very real as the economy shuts down. Retail Sales which account for over 70 percent of GDP has been sidelined or idled except for some trips to the grocery store by consumers. The destruction in energy and those effects have spilled into most sectors, one commodity that we follow is corn, …

Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The corn rebounded nicely today. The corn has shown a strong correlation to the crude. There still remains some concerns given the ethanol slowdown. In addition the lack of use given the global shut down. However, if the crude shows some strength, then the corn may well have set a double bottom in. This could allow for a stabilization …

Soy & Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: Today was an historic day in some sense. The crude traded down to negative $40. Yes that is correct a negative. The situation dictating someone will get paid to essentially take the crude. This has ramifications on the global structure of many commodities. The long term scenario needs to be digested as rash decisions are not advised at present. …

Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The corn rebounded today. Will this end the long decline?The biggest question is the domestic loss of Ethanol demand. The question of the US opening back up is important. The export pace has been reasonable. The USDA will release supply and demand on Thursday. There are many who look for an increase in stocks.  I present some food for thought …

Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The corn continues to erode. The overall fundamental picture remains heavy with concerns over the ethanol situation. The market has dialed in the ethanol staying closed for some time. If realized, it would reduce demand by a horrific amount. It is my thought that the market has dialed in a worse case scenario. This could be mitigated if things …

Grain Spreads

Sean LuskGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: I’m seeing some bargain opportunities here within the grain sector despite all the negativity in the market. I think that there rea some realistic bets one can make here to establish some longer term bullish plays using some calendar spreads and inter-market ideas, that from a timing stand point are starting to make some sense to me. First Idea …

Corn Commentary

John WalshGeneral Commentary, Grains

Commentary: The corn has so much negative to deal with. One wonders when the fundamentals will be baked in the cake. The early trade Friday saw some buying on crude strength. The prevailing weak market took control. The Ethanol destruction is too much to overcome yet. The positive is that the Chinese purchased 570 t tn of corn. They have …

Weekend Wrap, action picks up, Ethanol

Alan PalmerGeneral Commentary

Good Day AG Community and Speculators, This is going to be a chart drop of quite a few markets.  The idea is, you like the levels when they are the high or low?  Then consider using this system that is designed many ways but one thing I think I have shown uncertain, These are the conditions where the mkt respects …