Now is the Time to Diversify

walshtradingAsset Management, General Commentary

Now Is the Time to Diversify. With stock valuations historically rich and a substantial amount of uncertainty, we think it makes sense to own some portfolio insurance. According to LPL Financial, the S&P 500 has gone 242 trading sessions without a 3% pullback, the longest streak in history. As seen below, the 10 year cyclically adjusted P/E ratio is in nosebleed …

BNC Results for February 2017

William ReavisAsset Management, General Commentary

Below you will find the FINAL results for: FEBRUARY, 2017. If you would like more information about Bluenose Capital Management, LLC and these trading programs, please contact me directly. Bill Reavis Director of Asset Management 312-957-4731 [email protected] VIEW FULL PERFORMANCE Returns provided by: Bluenose Capital Management, LLC || [email protected] Tel. (703) 842-3323 || 405 Berry Street SE, Vienna, VA …

The Alpha of Seasonal Commodity Trading – Managed Futures

William ReavisAsset Management, Energy, General Commentary, Grains, Livestock

I am not very old, but I have been trading for long enough to have my own opinion about traders and trading. We all know that it is a difficult business, earning money in these markets is very challenging and very few traders suceed in the long run. No only do traders need to have discipline and strong fundamentals, but …