AG Wrap

John WalshGrains

The Markets saw a two sided trade today. The old crop soy remains supported by the Argentinian weather situation. There appears to be a few chances for rain in the future. The question now is what is the crop size. Estimates range in ARG 40-45mmt now. The Brazilian crop as high as 117 mmt. The yields apparently are huge. There …

Hot and Dry = Higher

John WalshGrains

SOY  –  The weather continues dry in the key growing areas of ARG. This allowed meal and beans to move to new highs yet again today. The feature continues to be the large move in the Bean and Meal spreads july/nov, and july/dec.  A couple thoughts. The markets are approaching key levels. 11.00  in beans and $400.00 in meal. I …


South American Grain Weather Issues from for February 25th

walshtradingGeneral Commentary, Grains, Weather

For the complete South America Grain Weather Issues Report, CLICK HERE. For those intersted in grains, Walsh Trading hosts a weekly FREE Grain & Livestock Outlook Webinar on Thursdays at 3PM CST. This webinar is hosted by Sean Lusk, Director and Ben DiCostanzo, Senior Livestock Analyst with Walsh Commercial Hedging Services. Sean and Ben will host their next webinar on …

Ag outlook, technical levels

John WalshGrains

SOY COMPLEX The Beans started higher again, fueled by meal. The rally stalled and nominal gains on the day were recorded. The weather in Arg remains friendly as rain has yet to materialize in a meaningful fashion. A few small amounts here and there. This rally has extended itself and seems to be stalling. The impetus is lacking to turn. …

AG – Weather Market

John WalshGrains

SOY COMPLEX The markets are keenly focused on weather at this point. We have dialed in the recent Argentinian drawdown. However, according to most analysts, further dryness is not dialed in. This may be the case. Going home this weekend it appears that Argentina will remain mostly dry. The real question now is will the US and Brazil make up the …

Good Volatile Friday Folks,

Alan PalmerAsset Management, General Commentary, Grains, Livestock, Stocks

  Need offer, Bil. bushels, and sell crude longs. [Weeks ago comment] The way I envision this broker stab at helping Farmer’s, Ranchers, Speculators, Ethanol, Option geeks, Old Human Trader’s From not get tattoo ed from the crazy 8′ $ DACA computer programmer Day Dreamers rammers  (LCJ sell 1500 in 1min? freefall this week? I can and am making  it …

Ag Where to from here

John WalshGrains

The Meal and Beans eased today. The rally may be a bit long in the tooth. The current weather scenario seems to be dialed into prices. Will the crops deteriorate further. Looking at the long term for beans. I have said use this rally to hedge old crop. The November 18 has given ample opportunity to start a program there …