Gold Even with the recent move lower in Gold price some say that the Gold is oversold. There have been recent developments to support the move lower. Positive trade war talks, strong US dollar. In my opinion based on the global production increased in most Gold producing countries. Australia’s production hit an all-time high of 317 breaking at 21 year …
Bond Follow up
Bond Follow up For the individuals that follow the bond trade posted yesterday . Volatility opportunity. If the opportunity did match the individuals risk parameters. With to move lower today in bonds one could take a partial successful position off ( if traded more than one contract) to be able to lock in hypothetical profit let the last piece run. …
Bullish Platinum Option Strategy
Production of Platinum in 2017 rose +4.7% yr/yr to 200,000 kilograms remaining below 2006 high of 218,000 kilograms a record high. South Africa is the world’s largest producer of Platinum with 70.0% of world production in 2017, then Russia 10.5%, Zimbabwe 7.5%, Canada 6.0% and the U.S. at 2.0%. World production of Platinum group metals other than Platinum and Palladium in …