Hog option strategy.
In my opinion, I think Hogs will strengthen further, I am looking at Call option strategies with Put hedge’s.
Hogs are highlighted from swine fever, from the world’s largest producer China, with Europe and Russia having the same issue, the Chinese head counts being culled by some 300,000 also Russia and Europe having to do the same. Lean Hogs bounced from September lows of 50.00 and having consolidated 52.00 to 56.00 area rallying now towards 58.00 last at 57.60 we are looking to get long December Call options with quantifiable risk.
With 53 days to the 12/18/18 expiration.
The December 59.00 option cost 2.45 = $980.00 of risk plus fees and commissions.
The 60.00 Call cost 2.175 = $870.00 of risk.
The 61.00 Call cost 1.625 = $650.00 of risk. Allowing you to be long with quantifiable risk. The risk is the price of premium paid plus commission and associated cost.
To have some downside protection the December Puts from the lows earlier in the month of October
The 53.00 Put cost 1.825 = $730.00 of risk plus fees and commissions.
The 52.00 Put cost 1.50 = $600.00 of quantifiable risk.
To cover this range in one trade you could also use the December 52.00p/60.00c Strangle and pay $1470.00 of quantifiable risk plus fees and commissions. This gives you coverage of a move higher and lower, price of the premium plus fees and commissions.
To discuss any strategies please feel free to call 888 391 7894 or email [email protected].