I’m just posting charts with names of markets. I cover for clients, and then some just for the sake of solving trading secrets and maybe make you, and me some money. I hope you like the research.
Dow Jones futures- Many of the components of the dow futures index have hit major upside targets hit a while back in Feb, dead cat bounce so far. Public buying in my opinion. Dow 21,003 to me is fully valued. Nasd gets fearless crazy so watch levels here 5707 key today.
A lot of markets are hot, cotton looks like limit down to me if we slip much more. 72.39 dec, 77.34 July last-ish.

Dec cotton, notice the pattern after hitting that orange line sloppy? Cotton is a small, not exact with slippage so I say keep it small and look for big moves is only way to me.
See Bond chart, 154.08 and 154.16 are olive sell levels if looking to sell bonds

High in overnight up into sell areas, notice am session opened with high of OLS#1 of 154.08. This could be major top with risk stop above but now off a full point and breaking, risk now much more but levels good.

Olive line is sell area- limit up was day before like nasd today 5.23.17. Pattern characteristic recognition can catch large vertical moves even in panic up markets but risk stops always. Patience key. Algo’s flip with vengeance on violations.
Watch where markets slingshot down and shoot out, off my lines. I try to be exact because finding you exact or close to bottoms offer good returns on capital, margin money posted per trade, and make trading better in general but that’s just my opinion as always here.
NASD 100 FUTURES below

Sequence is thin olive 1st sell level, thick is biggie. We opened a bit over but here provided selling the opening, mine, top tick but only if looking to sell. Over this has different set of rules even more exciting with hundreds of examples.