Ag review

John WalshGrains

The markets rebound based on the time to mull over the terrif situation. There are many changes on the horizon. The global growth in supply will continue to advance going forward. The Brazilian especially will take this ball and run with it. Look for continued fierce export competition. This will cut into the US ability to move the beans in the next few months. A slowdown in exports should hurt the meal as well. The crush margins remain historically high. This continues to push for record crush. We may be on the verge of a expansion of protein stocks.

The Corn remains well bid. The acreage and demand are creating a friendly scenario. The market may choose to dial some more risk premium in before the spring planting gets really under way. The Delta has some weather concerns with to much moisture. It is early but this will be closely monitored. The Corn has a story. The demand remains stout. The acreage is a issue. Any problems and we could see a nice market. Users need some coverage. Producers use rallies to lock in profit. No home run yet but take sure things. Lock up some profit. Be Well

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