Gain access to hundreds of Automated Trading Systems – created by professional developers and tracked in real-time.
What is the iSystems Automated Trading Platform?
The iSystems platform allows clients to browse hundreds of automated trading systems – with the ability to view overall performance, monthly profit/loss, trade logs, and all the relevant risk/reward statistics. Clients can subscribe to systems they like and activate the systems for live trading in their account – choosing how many contracts to trade; whether to get in line the the system or wait until the next signal, and then monitor all of the activity in real time on the website with the ability to start and stop systems with the click of a button.
Trading systems can remove the emotions and provide consistency to your trading, while most have the profile of risking a small amount on each trade while looking to make several times that amount.
How Does it Work?
Browse Systems by Name, Market, Annual Return, and Required Investment
View Specific System’s Equity Curve, Risk & Reward Ratios, Monthly Profit/Loss, Trade Logs, Worst Loss and more…
Lease the Rights to Different Systems with Easy – Click/Subscribe/Paid from your trading account
Activate licensed systems for LIVE trading in your account, selecting how many contracts per signal… View an Illustration - CME Critical Events >>
Follow Along — Tracking Open Positions, Filled Orders, and Performance by System, Market, and All-Time P/L
Want to Learn More?
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*The returns for trading systems listed throughout the isystems website are hypothetical in that they represent returns in a model account. The model account rises or falls by the average single contract profit and loss achieved by clients trading actual money pursuant to the listed system’s trading signals on the appropriate dates (client fills), or if no actual client profit or loss available – by the hypothetical single contract profit and loss of trades generated by the system’s trading signals on that day in real time (real-time) less slippage, or if no real time profit or loss available – by the hypothetical single contract profit and loss of trades generated by running the system logic backwards on backadjusted data (backadjusted).